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TRS eCommerce is a custom proprietary software solution built in open-source technologies. The solution has been successfully deployed by clients in mainland Europe to great reward. TRS eCommerce is built with top software design and development practices and comes with high praise from clients currently running it.

ecommerce website development company

Product Management

The product management is a strong point of TRS eCommerce. The products are saved with tags, attributes, categories and images (media gallery). The product attributes help create product filters on frontend themes.

The products allowed are simple, variable and composite type products for better grouping and presentation.

There is strong SEO as you can choose page heading, title and meta description for better presentation. The open-graph tags are built-in while rich-text snippets are also present in code.

This screen has been purposely modeled after WooCommerce for ease of staff.

TRS eCommerce Product View
TRS eCommerce speed and security

Speed & Security

With TRS eCommerce, the focus has been placed on the solution’s speed and security. The problem with third-party software is the lax security because of so many plugins and reliance on open-source software. However, TRS eCommerce is built on open-source libraries but the platform is our propriety and we focus on 90+ grade on both Pingdom and Google Pagespeed.

The backend and frontend can work off different database for speed benefits as well as security away from backend changes.

Product Feeds

Create Google, Facebook and Affiliate network feeds ready-made so that you can download and upload on different platforms readily. This is very handy for affiliate tracking and product feeds.
TRS eCommerce product feeds
TRS eCommerce orders and refund

Order & Refunds

Order Management is built-in where you record the incoming of each order with products and delivery dates. The refund mechanism is totally upgraded from WooCommerce. TRS eCommerce provides per-product refund instead of per-order. This is very good to optimize returns and minimize the loss of income.

Reports and Settings

You can generate reports on users, orders and revenue by day, week, month or custom period. There is section for admin settings where you control all sections of eCommerce system.
TRS eCommerce reports and settings

Benefits of investing in
trs eCommerce?

The main benefit is the worth of your company increasing with a custom solution. The software will be custom solution very difficult to figure out by competitors and hackers alike.