The Right Software, are an ecommerce development company who favor WooCommerce. We get alot of queries for web development in Mexico. Ecommerce scene has flourished steadily in the past five years and so has the use of WooCommerce.
According to Mexico News Daily, the large retailers in Mexico now say 20% of their sales are online. While eShopWorld estimates that,
eCommerce to be Worth 17.6 Billion USD by 2020
You can see the steady flow of ecommerce and by extension WooCommerce in Mexico from the Google Trends below.
There are reasons why WooCommerce is the choice of ecommerce technology for Mexican businesses.
- Ties with WordPress: Being a WordPress plugin, there is very little uptake, you drop WooCommerce as plugin and are ready to go in most cases. This is good for Mexican web content and blog sites to start selling. You get WordPress advantages such as great SEO, caching plugins and an already familiar CMS.
- WooCommerce is free to download: WooCommerce doesn’t come with a monthly fee or license fee like Shopify or Magento Enterprise. This freedom comes at a price. You are in-charge of your website files, web security and to update your WooCommerce website. But, yes, Mexico being an aspiring economy, businesses are cost-conscious and this is a factor. Similarly, you can host your WooCommerce on any old hosting for $5 a month. This doesnt mean there no premium WooCommerce hosting such as Savvii.eu and Kinsta. Its that you don’t need initially.
- Its small footprint: WooCommerce is a powerful ecommerce platform. But at the same time, its very small in file size. You can simply search WooCommerce from your WordPress plugin list and install with 1 click. That makes it very handy for clients looking for a quick start.
- WooCommerce is updated regularly: WooCommerce is owned by Automattic and they release WooCommerce updates very often. Bringing new features to market. This is good because shop owners don’t have to worry about outdated software as the vulnerabilities are patched up quickly and new releases are secure and fast.
- WooCommerce Theme Options: With WooCommerce, you don’t run out of WooCommerce ready WordPress themes. There are millions of themes and with language options built-in, your work is just to drop the theme inside WooCommerce.
You can buy from themeforest.net or you can ask a web design company such as us to develop your mobile-ready WooCommerce theme. - Affordable developers: WooCommerce developers are cheap. This is related to the above point. You can hire expert WooCommerce developers in $15 – $20 with deep knowledge of Woo and web optimization. This doesn’t mean that it’s not easy to mess up a WooCommerce website. Any WordPress developer will try his hand on WooCommerce but it is always better to find a developer who has WooCommerce experience.
- Support for Mexican Payment Methods: WooCommerce has plugins that support all famous payment methods such as Paypal, 2checkout, debit/credit cards and payment on delivery. You can use payment processing vendors such as PayU Latam, Ebanx, Conekta and NetBilling. WooCommerce provides Cash on Delivery (COD) payment option which is relevant as MX buyers prefer cash on delivery for online payments. Credit card penetration is still low among Mexican online shoppers.
- Mexican Shipping Providers: Mexican shipping and package tracking companies such as Correos de México, USPS, FedEx and other shipping options are supported by WooCommerce along with Shipping APIs such as AfterShip, Rocketshipit and others are also available as WooCommerce plugins to take advantage of.

If you are looking to hire developers for WooCommerce in Mexico then you can contact The Right Software. We have expert WooCommerce developers with knowledge of payment methods, WooCommerce plugin development and setup WooCommerce products and checkout.
If you want to know about the WooCommerce seo strategies click here.